Tuesday, April 28, 2015

For anyone interested, here's a link to an older version of this blog.
http://fredchamberplayers.blogspot.com/  I know it's out of date, but you might find something interesting to read there...especially if you're fond of opinions!

The next few days will be busy getting everything ready for Friday.  This all seemed so damned easy when it was just a list of things to do!  Of course, Friday is just the beginning.  I have a whole month of work to raise my funds.  Shit!

One of the important reasons why I wrote this novel was a form of, well, therapy is the closest word I can think of.  You see, I have bi-polar disorder (for any of you who don't know).  If you follow the progress of my campaign, you'll probably hear and read a lot about it.  My issues include difficulty leaving my apartment for long periods of time.  So writing was an obvious choice to pursue for something to help me live more productively.  It was a tough three and a half years.  And I'm not quite finished: I have to get it published.  But I'm one day closer!  Ready or not, Friday, here we come.

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